District Financial Health Update - October 2022

At the Wednesday, October 19, 2022 Forest Hills Board of Education Meeting, Superintendent Larry Hook discussed the fiscal health of FHSD and offered his perspective on the current position of FHSD. The full presentation can be viewed by clicking the links below.
You can watch the full presentation by clicking here.
You can view the presentation slides by clicking here.
Prior to the October 19 meeting, Superintendent Hook shared a video preview of key points and findings from that same presentation on the district\'s financial health.
You can watch that video by clicking the picture below or following this link
Update on the Financial Health of FHSD
Forest Hills Families,
At tonight's Board of Education meeting, I plan to share a detailed and informative presentation regarding the financial health of Forest Hills School District. My goal is to simply share with the Board, and with our community, objective information regarding finances of FHSD and also provide my perspective as an administrator for nearly three decades in public education.
The truth of the matter is we are not on strong financial footing. I realize discussions have been happening this entire calendar year about the district’s fiscal position, including considerations about potential levy scenarios in the spring and summer. In order for Forest Hills to continue to provide unmatched educational programming and secure a strong path for our long-term future, we need to take some time to understand our current financial position.
Please take a moment to watch the video below that I put together to summarize some key aspects of my financial presentation. At tonight's meeting, I will have an opportunity to provide more information and discuss these topics in greater detail. My hope is that this brief preview will provide important information to keep our community informed and engaged in discussions we will have at this week’s meeting and other meetings in the future.
As a reminder, I will not be discussing any specific plans or options at October’s Board Meeting. There is a lot of information we are trying to gather, review and vet before it is ready to be shared more broadly.
Thank you for your commitment to our students and continued support of public education in our community.
Larry R. Hook
This is not intended to be a comprehensive list, but the district hopes the following information is useful to provide context for the financial presentation. Anyone with additional questions can reach out to the FHSD Communications Office by calling (513) 231-3600, ext. 2966 or emailing Josh Bazan, Communications Coordinator, at joshbazan@foresthills.edu.
- HB 920
- 2014 Bond Project
- Bond Budget
- PI spending on construction 7/1/15-5/15/19 (certain costs related to 2014 bond project)
- OFCC 2010 Assessments (OFCC was previously known as OSFC)
- Projected Roof Replacement Costs
- Projected Blacktop/Pavement Improvements
- School Buses
- Diesel Gas Prices
- Athletics