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Racial Diversity Awareness Day

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Racial Diversity Awareness Day

Mar 25, 2021
kids gathered in circles sitting in chairs in cafeteria

For the 6th consecutive year, THS participated in Racial Diversity Awareness Day. The annual event is organized and facilitated by teacher, Jacob Goetz, who has taught Social Studies in the Forest Hills School District for 14 years. The student-led, daylong event is completely voluntary and still draws tremendous participation from our Turpin Spartans!

This year, 103 students signed-up and participated with 28 student leaders helping to facilitate. The program consists of guest speakers, video clips highlighting cultural and racial issues, group activities, and discussions around diversity. One of Goetz’s goals is to further help students understand and embrace racial diversity in school, but also outside of THS, as well. 

“The first goal is to help them remember something from yesterday, that something sticks with them and piques their interest, whether it was a comment, a story, or an activity,” Goetz said. “The bigger picture is racial reconciliation and what that looks like personally for them and what they can do to make a difference. If yesterday serves as a launching point for them, then that’s a success for sure.”

This year, the event took place on “remote Wednesday”. One of the many aspects that impressed Goetz about student participation is that, in order to support the event, students voluntarily spent their last remote Wednesday at Turpin instead of at home. In fulfilment of FHSD’s goal to continually provide high-quality education to all students, this program helps prepare students for the outside world and shapes well-rounded future leaders. 

We are proud of our Turpin Spartans for their participation and efforts to provide greater understanding and promote equality and inclusion!

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