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Nurse/Health Aide

Summit Mascot

A student's ability to learn is affected by many factors, including their health. This is particularly true for students with chronic medical conditions.  Because it is important for all staff to know how to handle the day-to-day and the emergency management of students who have certain medical conditions, parents are required to share specific information, including information about chronic medical conditions, during student registration; this generates a health plan for the student. Plans can be updated or added anytime as needed, whenever a student's health condition changes.

Food Guidelines

FHSD's food guidelines safeguard students from life-threatening (peanut or other) food-related allergies as well as other medically related conditions. The guidelines also encompass practices from the reauthorization of the Child Nutrition and Women, Infants and Children Act and the development of a District Student Wellness Program, designed to include goals for nutrition education, physical activity and other school-based activities.


Parents of new students must provide documentation (from a physician’s office or clinic) of immunization compliance to the student’s school of attendance. Students must be current with all immunizations required by law, including but not limited to poliomyelitis, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B and chickenpox, or have an exemption from state immunization requirements.  There are additional immunization requirements for Tdap and meningitis (MCV4) for students in grades 7-12.

Students who have not provided documentation of required immunizations may not be permitted to attend school until documentation of immunizations has been provided.  Any questions about immunizations or exemptions should be directed to the school nurse/health aide.

Any questions about immunizations or exemptions should be directed to the school nurse/health aide (see below).

Click here for a list of Frequently Asked Questions and the Ohio Department of Health's updated immunization summary for school attendance.

Recommendations for Student Illness

The following recommendations regarding when students should stay at home due to illness and when they should return to school are designed to maximize the health and safety of our students and staff.

Students with the following symptoms should stay home because their illness could affect their ability to participate in school and may also spread an infection to other students and staff:

  • Fever, including a fever with a new rash.
  • Vomiting more than twice in the preceding 24 hours.
  • Diarrhea that causes ‘accidents’, is bloody, or results in greater than two bowel movements above what the child normally experiences in a 24-hour period.
  • Skin sores that are draining fluid on an uncovered part of the body and are unable to be covered with a bandage.
  • Respiratory virus symptoms that are worsening or not improving and not better explained by another cause such as seasonal allergies.

Students who exhibit the general symptoms described above may return to school when:

  • Fever-free (without use of fever-reducing medicine) for at least 24-hours;
  • Fever-free (as above) and any rash has been evaluated/resolved by a healthcare provider;
  • Uncovered skin sores are crusting, and the child is under treatment from a provider;
  • Vomiting resolved overnight and child can hold down food / liquids in the morning;
  • Diarrhea has improved; child is no longer having accidents or more than 2 bowel movements above normal for the child in a 24-hour period;
  • Respiratory virus symptoms are improving overall for at least 24 hours.

We appreciate your help in keeping our students and staff safe and healthy in our efforts to reduce the spread of sickness during this cold/flu season. For any health-related questions, please contact your child’s Nurse/Health Aide.

School Nurses and Health Aides

Anderson High School: Suzanne Ackel, RNMelissa Brandy

Turpin High School: Erinn Zaugg, RNRegina Hermann

Nagel Middle School: Deborah Sonon, RN, Tina Mangan

Ayer Elementary: Shelli Muehlenkamp

Maddux Elementary: Laurie Kotha

Mercer Elementary: Ann Wolfe

Sherwood Elementary: Erin Palin

Summit Elementary: Andrea Foster

Wilson Elementary: Rachel Moller

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