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Camp Kern - May 7-9, 2025 - Pay here.
- Online payments for Camp Kern can be made through Local Level by clicking the link above. Please note that this may include an additional credit card or convenience fee. Individuals who wish to avoid additional charges are always welcome to pay by cash or check, and they can send their payment directly to their student's school. Cash or check payments should include a student's name, ID number and details about what the payment is for (e.g. Camp Kern). You can learn more about online payments here.
When new families come to Sherwood Elementary, they often ask about “the rules of the school”. Sherwood Elementary staff and students can proudly respond with a very positive answer to this question: "Archer Actions".
Sherwood’s Archer Actions were developed by staff and they are simply four actions Sherwood teaches, models and expects each student to display:
- Take Care of Yourself.
- Take Care of Others.
- Take Care of the Environment.
- Be a Problem-Solver.
The Archer Actions are under a larger framework called PBIS. PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support and consists of “systemic and individualized strategies for achieving important social and learning outcomes in school communities while preventing problem behaviors. The key attributes of PBIS include preventive activities, data-based decision making and a problem solving orientation.” (Education Ohio). As for bullying behavior, “stand-alone and short term programs are frequently the least effective approaches to bullying behavior change; however, the PBIS approach has consistently led to improved academic and behavioral outcomes.” (Angel Rhodes; Ohio School Counselor Association).
Today, the Sherwood PBIS Committee meets monthly to review concerns and plan for continuing this very important work.
Overall, Sherwood Archer Actions focus on what positive behavior expectations look and sound like in each school environment: classroom, hallway, cafeteria, bathroom, playground and bus. Each expectation is taught at the beginning of each year. In addition, Sherwood hosts booster sessions after long breaks or when the need arises. The common Archer Action language is used by all staff members for consistency and accountability. In addition, Sherwood developed an acknowledgement system to reinforce the positive Archer Action behaviors via two approaches: Archer Action stickers and Archer Action celebration circles.
When a child demonstrates an Archer Action in the moment, then staff members are encouraged to acknowledge this by giving the child a sticker. The sticker has Archer mascot and a statement to elicit conversation, “Ask me about my Archer Action.”
When a child demonstrates a single Archer Action or multiple Archer Actions consistently, then staff members are encouraged to acknowledge this/these actions by notifying the principals. The principals will invite the student to the front office for a celebration moment, provide a certificate of recognition to be treasured and shared at home for further celebration, and make a phone call home as part of the celebration moment!
At Sherwood, you will also notice our front entrance bulletin board is dedicated to recognizing Archer Actions in the world. Take a photo of you, your child, or family displaying the Archer Actions in the world and add to our bulletin board! If you have questions about doing so or need materials, contact Mr. Collinsworth (Assistant Principal).