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Anderson HS closed Wednesday, Feb. 26 to Friday, Feb. 28 for electrical malfunction. All other buildings report as normal.


Nagle Mascot

The grading scale for middle school students is as follows:

A+ (100%-97%) - 4.0
A (96-93%) - 4.0
A- (92-90%) - 3.7
B+ (89-87%) - 3.3
B (86-83%) - 3.0
B- (82-80%) - 2.7
C+ (79-77%) - 2.3
C (76-73%) - 2.0
C- (72-70%) - 1.7
D+ (69-67%) - 1.3
D (66-65%) - 1.0
F (Below 65%) - 0.0

World Language and High School Math 1 are courses that offer high school credit. Grades for these classes will appear on high school transcripts and will be calculated into the student’s high school grade point average.

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