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 Back To Nagel Middle School News


Feb 10, 2021

Nagel Middle School was recently recognized for outstanding work and excellence in the area of character education for students and for building a positive learning environment.

NMS Counselor Carolyn Heller nominated Nagel and the school was featured in an education bulletin written by the Character Council, a non-profit organization which serves Greater Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky, and Southeast Indiana.

Mrs. Heller wrote about several character education practices that the school has implemented, including Nagel’s Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) matrix which is a framework designed to help students achieve social-emotional and academic success.

Mrs. Heller also highlighted the school’s “Offline Day”, a challenge day for 8th grade students during which community members and current high school students return to NMS and serve as small group leaders for the 8th graders.  The day consists of outdoor team building activities, as well as an indoor component which promotes kindness and acceptance.  This year, the school was not able to hold Offline Day; however, there are plans to return to the practice when the health risks due to COVID-19 subside.

“While the article talks about our Offline Day there are pieces of day to day education that focus on character education such as advisory lessons centered on being respectful, responsible, and safe, as well as WEB, our student leadership program,” said Anita Eshleman, Nagel Middle School principal.

“WEB” is an acronym for “Where Everyone Belongs” and is a student leadership group.  One of the many objectives of the program is to help new students become comfortable with their school environment.  Student leaders provide support systems for 7th graders as they begin middle school.  Not only does the program provide leadership skills, but it also promotes a culture of inclusiveness, respect, kindness, and empathy.  The WEB group helps maintain a positive school climate. 

The many efforts and programs implemented at Forest Hills School District’s only middle school help shape and mold our students into caring, well-rounded youth leaders.  Principal Eshleman, school staff, teachers, and district administrators are incredibly proud of the achievements our students have accomplished, and the recognition from the Character Council just solidifies our belief that Nagel’s programs help FHSD remain at the forefront of academic and social-emotional excellence for youth.    

“A key component of the middle school model is character education and providing multiple types of opportunities for students to develop their whole self or respond to the whole child, so to be featured as a school that represents these principles is a huge celebration,” Eshleman said.

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