
Maddux Elementary offers many extracurricular opportunities to students to empower them to explore a wide variety of interests and develop life skills. Several of these activities are financially supported by the PTO.
Student Council
Student Council officers are elected each fall and meet regularly before school throughout the year. They have many opportunities for leadership through service projects, school spirit activities and fundraisers, including raising funds to create awareness of and support charities. Past activities have included supporting community members with leukemia and ALS.
Students work with teachers to take pictures and create the layout for the school yearbook.
Good Apples
Good Apples are sixth-grade volunteers who are selected from a pool of applicants to help others at school. Then, once a week, these students develop leadership skills and an awareness of others in need by volunteering where needed. Many students choose to help former teachers with classroom needs, read with younger students or assist in the main office.
Bus Monitors
Bus monitors are sixth-grade students who help ensure student safety by helping teachers watch school doors, students, and sidewalk activity during arrival and dismissal times.
Maddux Runs
Started in 2012, the Maddux running program has grown each year, with 218 students in kindergarten through sixth-grade participating in 2015. Students, as well as many staff and parent volunteers, meet after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from February through May to prepare to participate in the Flying Pig Marathon and the Forest Hills Foundation’s 5K in May.
Destination Imagination
The Destination Imagination program is a fun, hands-on, team-based activity that fosters students’ creativity and curiosity through open-ended academic challenges in science, technology, engineering, math, fine arts and service learning. The program is supported by the Forest Hills Foundation for Education.