General Information

Supply List
Field Trips
Camp Kern - May 7 to 9, 2025 - Pay here.
Online payments for Camp Kern can be made through Local Level by clicking the link above. Please note that this may include an additional credit card or convenience fee. Individuals who wish to avoid additional charges are always welcome to pay by cash or check, and they can send their payment directly to their student's school. Cash or check payments should include a student's name, ID number and details about what the payment is for (e.g. Camp Kern). You can learn more about online payments here.
Listed below are the answers to several frequently asked questions regarding Maddux. For more information, please contact the school secretary at (513) 231-0780.
Will students be able to call home if he/she forgets something?
Students are discouraged from using the school telephone and may only do so with teacher or office approval. In an effort to encourage responsibility, students will not be permitted to repeatedly call home for forgotten materials. Students are not permitted to bring cell phones or pagers to school. Students who forget their lunch money or packed lunch may get lunch in the cafeteria “on credit” to be paid the next day. The cafeteria manager will contact parents when the debt gets to be too high.
Can parents visit students during the school day?
Parents are encouraged to visit Maddux Elementary as often as possible. Prearranged classroom visitations are allowed, as is eating lunch with students.
When visiting the school, parents are asked to:
Arrange a visit through the principal to ensure the class can accommodate a visit (ie: not during a test). Classroom visits are for observation only.
Come to the office before going to any other part of the building. All visitors must wear a name tag while in the building for safety and security reasons.
Make appointments for conferences. Teachers are happy to meet and talk with parents during their planning times.
How do I contact the school if my child is sick or has a medical appointment?
If students will be absent from schools, parents are asked to email or call the attendance line at (513) 852-9019. When reporting an absence on through the attendance line or email, state the parent’s name, child's name, the name of child's teacher and the dates and reason(s) for the absence. A note from a parent is required whenever a child is to be excused from school either prior to the absence or upon return to school after an absence. If contact is not made and/or a note is not provided, the absence will be “unexcused.” If absences are not reported by 10 a.m., the school will call all the numbers on the emergency contact list until someone is reached who can confirm the child is safe. Parents who wish to pick up their child(ren) before the regular dismissal time, should report to the main office to meet and sign out their child.
What if my child has a problem on the bus ride to or from school?
If there is a problem on the school bus, please contact the Assistant Principal at (513) 231-0780, ext. 2610. If calling after school hours, please leave a voicemail message.
Who do I call if I have a transportation question?
Contact the Forest Hills Transportation Department at (513) 231-3355.
Can my child ride a different bus home with a friend?
Because many of our buses are filled to capacity, students will not be permitted to ride a bus that is not assigned to them unless prior approval has been given by the principal. Approval will be given only in cases of extreme need or emergency. Riding home with a friend for social purposes cannot be approved.
What if a parent needs to change the process on how a child returns home after school?
When there are changes to the process in how a student returns home after schools, parents should send a written note, with the parent’s signature, detailing the changes to the child’s classroom teacher. For legal and safety reasons, in the absence of a note, the school must continue to follow normal procedures, including the normal destination in the normal way.
If a student is going home with another student, parents for both children must write a note.
For situations and changes that arise during the school day, please call the Maddux office at (513) 231-0780 by 2:30 p.m. to ensure that students and teachers can be properly notified.
How will I know if school is closed for inclement weather?
During a period of inclement or potentially dangerous weather conditions, the superintendent will decide if schools are closed or delayed. These decisions will be shared with local TV and radio stations, through email and phone messages to parents, on district social media channels (Facebook and Twitter) and on the district website.
How can I volunteer at the school?
There are many volunteer opportunities at Maddux Elementary to ensure everyone who is interested can contribute! Parents should contact your child's teacher to offer your time in the classroom, library or office. Fix a salad for teacher conferences. Donate a basket for the Carnival. Be a Volunteer in Reading. Help unload the Market Day truck. Work in the Copy Center. It can be hard to find the time and harder still to find a niche where you feel the difference you make but the effort is worth it. For more information about volunteer opportunities, please visit the Maddux PTO website.
How can my family join the PTO?
The Maddux PTO is an active support organization that influences many aspects of the students' home, school, and community life. The PTO's fundraising efforts and enrichment activities broaden the experiences of the children who attend Maddux Elementary and supports the staff who work diligently in the education of our youth. As part of its goal to support the health and welfare of children and youth, the PTO also works to promote collaboration between parents, schools, and the community at large. For more information, please visit the Maddux PTO website.