Levy Fiscal Responsibility
One of the key responsibilities of any public school district is to operate in a fiscally responsible manner. As a steward of taxpayer dollars, Forest Hills School District regularly looks for strategic ways to improve operational efficiencies and save money while maintaining the high quality of education that this community has come to expect.
Current Actions
Superintendent Larry Hook and Treasurer Alana Cropper have announced plans to make $750,000 in reductions by the end of the 2022-2023 school year. These measures will ensure FHSD is operating in an efficient and productive manner while still maintaining the high-quality education that students, parents and this community have come to expect. You can learn more about the specific reductions by reading an initial breakdown here and find additional specifics here.
The result of these reductions will also allow the district to start addressing significant capital needs. Superintendent Hook provided a detailed overview of the district’s finances at the October 2022 board meeting where, based on quotes for various projects, he explained that the cost to address the most significant physical problems with district properties is expected to be $5-5.5 million. Passing this proposed levy would not provide enough funding to address all of the current needs, but it will allow FHSD to begin chipping away at the most critical projects and create a plan to meet additional needs over time.
Recent Efforts
- Prior to the 2019 operating levy, FHSD made $1.5 million in reductions by restructuring operations and personnel. This helped extend the 2012 levy several years longer than expected.
- Since the 2019 operating levy, FHSD has made an additional $1.2 million in permanent budget reductions.
- Each individual school budget has been reduced 10% since 2018.