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Superintendent's Message on Possible Changes to FHSD

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Superintendent's Message on Possible Changes to FHSD

Sep 27, 2022

The following message was sent from Superintendent Larry Hook to all Forest Hills Families on Friday, September 23, 2022. FHSD is sharing the message here to provide accurate information and clear communication with all members of our broader community.

Forest Hills Families,

There has been a good deal of discussion in the past few days regarding possible changes to Forest Hills School District. Some of the information being shared is not entirely accurate, so I wanted to reach out directly to provide some context and background to the situation.

First and foremost, I want to acknowledge that emotions are high among some people in our community after this week’s board meeting. I also want to assure you, on behalf of the district, that no major decisions have been or will be made without community and staff feedback.

FHSD regularly looks for opportunities to improve instruction, curriculum and services for students. The district also has a responsibility to taxpayers to operate efficiently and look for ways to be even more fiscally responsible. As such, it is not uncommon for any school district to review concepts, suggestions and proposals that might help its schools achieve those goals from a variety of partners - and that is all that has happened thus far in this particular situation.

The district is currently analyzing and reviewing a concept to reimagine the configuration of our school district. No final decision has been made. We have just begun the process to determine what educational opportunities and impacts could result from the potential adoption of this concept, both positive and negative. In addition, potential financial benefits are being researched and reviewed. 

To be clear, I have made no recommendation to the Board regarding any proposal like this and I have no reason to believe the Board has come to any decision. I assure you, I will not make any recommendation to the Board and community without being resolutely confident it is in the best interest of our students. Our students are, and will continue to be, my priority and my focus as Superintendent of Forest Hills School District. 

You can be sure that factual, reliable information on this topic will come from myself and the district. We will share more details as they become available and will offer opportunities for community input. We know your thoughts and perspectives will provide invaluable insight that will be an important part of this process.


Larry R. Hook


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