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Students, Business Partners Find Value in New Mock Interview Series

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Students, Business Partners Find Value in New Mock Interview Series

May 16, 2024
Pimenidis and a student chat during a mock interview
Pimenidis interviewing a student at the May Mock Interview/Networking Workshop.

Forest Hills School District has introduced a new mock interview workshop series to help students gain interviewing and networking skills so they are more prepared to pursue internship and job opportunities and engage in other professional or academic areas. At these events, students have the chance to connect with local business partners who share their professional knowledge and expertise.

One of these business partners is Trisha Pimenidis, a bookkeeper and human resources coordinator at a growing property management firm called ES Properties. Growing up in a family of business owners who gave back to their community had a huge impact on her life that has made her a determined and willing volunteer.

“As a community member and volunteer, I am investing in the future by mentoring the next generation,” Pimenidis said. “The students who show up are investing in themselves and I will show up for that every time.”

Student smiles during mock interview
A student builds her interviewing and networking skills during a mock interview.

Pimenidis attended a Mock Interview Workshop event in May, where she helped students build their interviewing skills to assist them in the future when they join the workforce, apply for college or enter military service. FHSD’s growing Community Partnership Program hosted multiple mock interview and networking events this school year to offer high school students a chance to build real-world skills that can benefit them now and in the future. The event has also shown to be valuable to the business partners who participate.

“It is wildly exciting to get to sit down and engage with young people,” Pimenidis said. “I always learn so much.”

During this event, Pimenidis had several interesting and engaging conversations with students that she believes would be a significant benefit to any and all high schoolers.

Written by Vivienne Staton, Turpin High School student and Community Partnership participant

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