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Nov 5, 2021
  • CLOSURE/DELAYS DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER: If weather conditions exist making the occurrence of school uncertain, a 2-hour delayed start may be called.  This gives district officials adequate time to evaluate weather and road conditions to determine whether school will be in session.  If conditions warrant, a decision may be made to cancel school for the day.  If school is canceled, all school buildings and the District’s Central Office will be closed to the public. On days that school is canceled due to weather or road conditions, the decision regarding the occurrence of extracurricular events will be made on a case-by-case basis, typically by early afternoon.  Please find a chart here regarding delays and early dismissals.

  • CLOSURE DUE TO COVID-RELATED CONDITIONS: For any COVID-related school closure that is anticipated to last more for 2 or more consecutive days, teachers will prepare for students to engage in developmentally appropriate remote learning exercises beginning on the second day and continuing throughout the duration of the closure.  On the first day, no remote learning will occur as teachers will spend time planning to transition to online lesson delivery.  Student participation in teacher-directed learning activities will result in being marked “Present” for the class period and/or school day. 

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