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Letter from Board President on Potential Changes

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Letter from Board President on Potential Changes

Oct 7, 2022

The following message was sent from Board of Education President Linda Hausfeld to all Forest Hills Families on Friday, October 7, 2022. FHSD is sharing the message here to provide accurate information and clear communication with all members of our broader community.

Dear Forest Hills Families and Community Members:

I hope this message finds you well as you are enjoying quality time with family and friends for the fall break weekend. I am writing to share an update regarding discussions about Forest Hills School District and the current financial position of the district.

In Superintendent Hook’s recent communication, he stated, “FHSD regularly looks for opportunities to improve instruction, curriculum and services for students.” He also stated that “the district also has a responsibility to taxpayers to operate efficiently and look for ways to be even more fiscally responsible.” The majority of the board recognizes these key attributes and has also openly discussed the inherited challenging financial situation of the district with the Treasurer, Mrs. Cropper, during board meetings. The majority of the board has also discussed potential levy scenarios and has been open to considering any opportunity that improves our financial situation. 

To date, the district has been approached by a private firm, Elevar, headquartered in Cincinnati, with an innovative option that would unify our high schools on the Bartels Road campus. Mr. Hook, Mrs. Cropper and the administrative team are diligently working to research and analyze every aspect of this option before it can be presented to the community and to the Board of Education. No actions have been taken and no decisions have been made, nor will be made, prior to gathering community and staff feedback over the coming weeks. The primary focus during this process will be to provide our students with the best educational opportunities possible for both now and into the future.  

I have asked Mr. Hook and Mrs. Cropper to provide a detailed presentation on the financial “State of the District” at the Board of Education meeting on October 19. I do not expect the administration to present specific information regarding the option to unify high schools at the October meeting, as they are still researching and analyzing the details. However, I fully expect more information to be shared with our school families and community once evaluations are completed. I also expect factual details to be released via newsletter, website and video over the coming weeks.

Please be advised that the most accurate information will be communicated by our Superintendent, Mr. Hook, through the normal FHSD communication channels. Be cautious of non-district sources of information on social media platforms.

I thank you for your patience and support as I truly believe we are better together. 

Enjoy the long weekend ahead. 

Linda Hausfeld
President, Board of Education

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