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FHSD Back-to-School Updates 2023-2024

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FHSD Back-to-School Updates 2023-2024

Aug 4, 2023
Chalkboard that says Welcome Back to School with colored pencils across the bottom

Residents of Forest Hills School District should soon receive a postcard with informative updates related to the start of the new school year. FHSD shares publications like this with all addresses in Anderson Township and the Village of Newtown as a way to connect with district families, taxpayers and neighbors. These provide important information for the community members who live and work in the area, so there is a general understanding about the activities of the school district and how FHSD utilizes public funds.

You can view the postcard on the FHSD Publications page after it is received in the mail. Continue reading for updates and reminders regarding the district’s brand-new Culture Blueprint, the 2023-2024 academic calendar, the new website and related features, district finances and more.

Cover page of the Culture Blueprint Every Moment Matters

FHSD Culture Blueprint
Every Moment Matters

During the spring semester, representatives from all FHSD school buildings and across all job types worked together to discuss and define the culture that we aspire to embrace as providers of public education. This was a slow and deliberate process and one that took into account many different perspectives and proceeded with great care.

In Forest Hills School District, we believe that every individual and every experience is important. The district's efforts to ensure success for all students are rooted in the belief that Every Moment Matters. Each of us has the ability to positively impact those around us and it is important to be mindful of those moments, big and small. Every interaction, every conversation, every smile or word of encouragement can make a difference in someone else's life.

Please take a moment to visit the new Culture page in the About Us section of the website to learn more about how we at FHSD define our culture, the process behind creating a Culture Blueprint and how it lays the framework for continued success moving forward.

2023-2024 Calendars

You can view the academic calendar here, which details days off from school and conference dates. You can find interactive event calendars for FHSD and all nine schools here, which can also be added to your personal digital calendar.

Website Redesign:

In June, FHSD completed a months-long process of updating and redesigning This process was heavily influenced by feedback from students, staff, families and community members. Improvements were made to the calendars, site navigation, search bar, mobile friendliness and much more.

You can read a detailed article about the website redesign process and learn more about the added features by clicking here.

Welcoming New Administrators and Staff to FHSD

The district hired six new administrators to replace vacant positions and we are excited to welcome these new leaders to Forest Hills School District!

Learn more about our new administrators in a district news article here. You can find our annual FHSD New Faces document that introduces all other staff members here.

Safety Improvements: Text Alerts and Building Upgrades

Forest Hills School District is currently working to implement multiple projects to improve the physical safety of students, staff and visitors for the upcoming school year. The district understands that providing a safe and secure learning environment is our most important responsibility.

The district will introduce an SMS text alert system for the 2023-2024 school year. Families who choose to opt-in will be able to receive important information and updates via text message in certain scenarios. FHSD will provide additional details in the near future, but this type of notification would only be used for time-sensitive transportation updates or critical emergency situations. Families should look for an email with more information soon. All updates will continue to be shared via email and, when appropriate, on the district website for those who are unable to participate in the SMS text alert system.

After receiving more than $600,000 in competitive grant funding through the State of Ohio, the district is rolling out plans to improve entryway security and make necessary upgrades to video surveillance systems across the district. Learn more about these efforts here.

Latest on District Finances: Updated Five-Year Forecast

Treasurer Alana Cropper provided the annual update to FHSD’s five-year forecast during the May Board of Education meeting. This document analyzes multiple years of financial data to project estimates for spending and costs connected to the district’s General Fund. The new update also factors in the 5.4 mill operating levy that was passed in May (the new 1.5 mill permanent improvement levy does not affect the General Fund).

Please click here for a detailed recap of the updated five-year forecast and links to view Treasurer Cropper’s presentation and the official forecast itself.

General Reminders

  • Returning families need to confirm all emergency contact and student information is accurate in FinalForms before the start of the new school year.
  • Check out this news article to find a copy of the school supply list for your building.
  • Community members, businesses or organizations looking to rent FHSD facilities can request space and learn more through the FMX scheduling system.
  • Anyone interested in participating in the district’s digital flyer program can learn more and find requirements here.
  • Families with questions about the district’s annual technology fee can learn more here. All families are required to pay the fee, unless the charge is waived due to financial difficulty, as it supports the district’s 1-to-1 device program and makes individual devices available across grade levels.
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