FHSD Announces Parent Academy Topics and Registration for November 2024
FHSD Announces Parent Academy Topics and Registration for November 2024

We hope many of you will consider joining us for our second Parent Academy Night of the school year, which will be held on Tuesday, November 19, 2024! The first session of the year was a valuable experience that touched on several important topics, and we are expanding with even more opportunities this time around.
The FHSD Teaching and Learning Team used feedback from people who attended previous Parent Academy evenings to guide the topics and programming being offered later this month. Some of the sessions include supporting students through senior-year challenges, increasing fine motor skills, essential components for developing strong readers, the impact of trauma on child development and more.
FHSD Village Connections will host an IEP 101 session to help families of students with special needs more easily navigate this process to create positive outcomes for students. High school students will also be able to participate in a Career Exploration Panel, which will include designated time for mock interviews with local professionals.
Each Parent Academy will include at least one featured presentation on an in-demand topic. The featured presentations for November are listed below.
- OSPREY Anderson presents a viewing of “Screenagers” with a social media and digital workshop. Students are encouraged to attend with parents and guardians.
- Beech Acres Parenting Center presents “Managing Meltdowns & Big Emotions,” providing effective strategies to handle your child’s meltdowns and teach them to manage big emotions.
Parent Academy Night will be held at Nagel Middle School from 6:30-8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 19 and we hope you will be able to attend! For more information about this fun evening of collaboration and learning, please click the links below:
- Parent Academy Nov. 19 Full List of Topics/Schedule
- Parent Academy Registration
- Parent Academy 24-25 Article and Flyer
Additional parent academy nights, which will be updated with new session topics, are scheduled for January 23 and February 25.
Any questions can be directed to Bob Buck, Director of Elementary Teaching and Learning, at bobbuck@foresthills.edu.