Board Meeting Recap for January 2024
Forest Hills School District is utilizing these articles as a way to communicate specific action taken at regular Board of Education meetings throughout the year. The Board of Education met on Wednesday, January 17, 2024 at Mercer Elementary School to discuss a variety of topics relevant to students, staff and the community.
The official agenda and related attachments for this meeting can be found on the FHSD BoardDocs page here. You can watch a full recording of the meeting on YouTube here.
Special Recognitions
In Ohio, January is School Board Recognition month. Superintendent Larry Hook presented each FHSD Board Member with a certificate of appreciation for their dedication to the district. School board members exemplify local control and decision-making in education and they volunteer hundreds of hours and an immeasurable amount of energy to ensure that our schools are providing the best education possible for the children of Anderson Township and the Village of Newtown.
Thank you to Board President Sara Jonas, Board Vice President Katie Stewart, Board Member Bob Bibb, Board Member Jason Simmons and Board Member Wendy Strickler for their willingness to serve the entire FHSD community.
The Forest Hills Foundation for Education announced that it is currently accepting applications for PTA/PTO Community Grants. These are available to all students and family members and the Foundation encourages interested individuals to work with their PTA/PTO as they see specific student needs that are not currently being met. You can find the application form here.
FHSD’s Parent Academy night on January 24 is sponsored by the Forest Hills Foundation for Education. The Foundation’s Executive Director Stacy Gillard encouraged community members to attend one of several sessions that will provide helpful information and resources. You can find a full list of sessions and registration information here.
FHFE also reminded community members to save the date for its highly anticipated Forest Hills 5K, which will be held on Saturday, May 11, 2024 at Nagel Middle School.
Superintendent Update
Superintendent Larry Hook provided an update on the proposed changes to the 2023-2024 Academic Calendar. With each FHSD elementary school being used as public polling sites during local, state and national elections and in light of the upcoming presidential primary election on March 19, Superintendent Hook recommended that the Board of Education approve adjustments to the calendar to close school to students on March 19. Additional details can be found under the Human Resources section below or in this news article on the district website.
Treasurer Update
During her designated portion of the meeting, Treasurer Alana Cropper provided a presentation related to the 2024 Collection Year and property taxes in relation to school levies. This informational update was intended to provide important context to residents and taxpayers, as well as provide resources for individuals who are interested in learning more about their specific tax bill. A detailed article, including links to the presentation slides and additional information, will be shared on the district news webpage in the coming days.
Board Action
The Board of Education often reviews and votes on a variety of actions that impact different departments throughout the school district. During the January 2024 meeting, the FHSD Board of Education voted on the following action item separately from the consent agenda:
- 8.1 Memo of Understanding (MOU)
- This MOU between FHSD and the Forest Hills Teachers Association is an agreement to clarify the language with respect to the early retirement incentive included in Article 46 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. You can read the full MOU here.
The following action items presented by department representatives were voted on together as part of the “consent agenda.” For specific information about any of the following items, you can find the meeting agenda and attachments here.
The following items in the consent agenda were approved by the Board of Education.
Human Resources
- 8.2 Human Resources Report
- The report covers a variety of topics including retirements, resignations and appointments of different staff members. You can view the report here.
- 8.3 March 2024 Calendar Update
- This item adjusts the Academic Calendar for the 2023-2024 school year. Due to the Presidential Primary Election, the district will be canceling school for the students on Tuesday, March 19, 2024. The staff will have a professional development day. With these changes, the third quarter will end on Friday, March 15, 2024, and that originally scheduled staff professional development day will move to Monday, March 18, 2024.
- Students will attend school on Friday, March 15, 2024.
- Students will not attend school on Monday and Tuesday, March 18 and 19, 2024.
- You can view the calendar and read the related resolution here.
Business Operations
- 9.1 Weas Engineering Agreement
- This item approves the Weas Engineering Agreement for the cooling and loop system water treatment program for Anderson High School, Turpin High School, Nagel Middle School, Maddux Elementary, Summit Elementary and Wilson Elementary at a cost of $30,256.00. This is a three-year contract providing chemicals, deliveries, safe handling and vendor support.
- You can view the agreement here.
Teaching and Learning/Curriculum
- 10.1 Proposed Secondary Course Change Descriptions for 2024-2025 School Year
- This item approves the proposed course description changes for the 2024-2025 school year to the Board of Education.
- You can read a summary of the changes here.
- 10.2 Performing Arts Course of Study
- This item approves the updated Performing Arts Course of Study to the Board of Education. This course of study was presented at the December board meeting and has been available for public review since that time.
- You can read the approved Performing Arts Course of Study here.
- 10.3 Physical Education Course of Study
- This item approves the updated Physical Education Course of Study to the Board of Education. This course of study was presented at the December board meeting and has been available for public review since that time.
- You can read the approved Physical Education Course of Study here.
- 10.4 Visual Arts Course of Study
- This item approves the updated Visual Arts Course of Study to the Board of Education. This course of study was presented at the December board meeting and has been available for public review since that time.
- You can read the proposed Visual Arts Course of Study here.
- 10.5 Summer School Dates and Fees for 2024 Grades K-12
- This item approves the dates and fees for FHSD Summer School in 2024. You can view that information here.
- 10.6 Overnight Field Trip Requests
- This item approves several overnight field trip requests for students. You can view the proposed trips here.
Teaching and Learning/Student Services
- 11.1 Resolution to Contract The Children’s Home of Cincinnati (dba Best Point Education and Behavioral Health (Provider) - Day Treatment/Education
- This agreement supports the placement (per IEP) of a special education student with a cost of $150.00 per day, pro-rated based on start date.
- You can view related attachments and information here.
- 12.1 Lenovo Lease Agreement
- This item approves a lease agreement with Lenovo for student Chromebooks in support of the 1:1 technology model. The agreement outlines an annual lease payment of $142,985.55 for a term of four years.
- You can view the lease agreement here.
Treasurer Update
- 13.1 Workers' Compensation Settlement
- This resolution approves the Bureau of Workers' Compensation settlement agreement, the terms of which are required to be kept confidential.
- 13.2 Treasurer's Report
- Treasurer Alana Cropper’s January report provided information on the following items:
- Donations
- Statement of Board Accounts
- General Fund Receipts
- General Fund Expenditures by Function
- General Fund Expenditures by Object
- Permanent Improvement Fund
- Monthly Bank Statement
- Appointment of Cashier
- Treasurer Alana Cropper’s January report provided information on the following items:
Committee Reports
Board Members provided updates on the committee meeting listed below.
- Policy Committee
- Board President Sara Jonas reminded the full Board that a meeting of the Policy Committee was held on October 5, 2023. This meeting was held to discuss the NEOLA policy updates from Volume 42, No. 1 and those updates were approved by the Board at November’s regular meeting.
- Mrs. Jonas presented a new policy for a second reading. This is Policy 5330.05 Procurement and Use of Naloxone (NARCAN) in Emergency Situations, which you can view here. This policy was part of Volume 42, No. 1 NEOLA policy updates, but was tabled for review by Forest Hills School District legal counsel.
- The Board voted to approve this policy during Wednesday’s meeting.
Approved Minutes
The Board of Education approved minutes for the following meetings, which you can view by clicking the link associated with each meeting. After clicking the appropriate link, you will need to then click “View Minutes” under Agenda Item Details, next to the category titled “Minutes.”
- Teaching and Learning Committee Meeting - December 11, 2023
- Regular Meeting - December 13, 2023
- Special Meeting - December 21, 2023