Board Meeting Recap for February 2025

Forest Hills School District is utilizing these articles as a way to communicate specific action taken at regular Board of Education meetings throughout the year. The Board of Education met on Thursday, February 20, 2025 at Mercer Elementary School to discuss a variety of topics relevant to students, staff and the community.
The official agenda and related attachments for this meeting can be found on the FHSD BoardDocs page here. You can watch a full recording of the meeting on YouTube here.

Special Recognitions and Candidate for Graduation
The Board of Education granted a diploma to Anderson High School student Gavriel Snyder, who has completed all of the necessary courses and requirements to graduate early. Congratulations to Gavriel on this accomplishment!
The Ayer Elementary School sixth grade ambassadors made a presentation about their efforts to lead community service initiatives and promote positive behavior and unity throughout the school.
The district also recognized students who excelled during the annual Science and Innovation Fair in January and will be participating in the UC Regional Science and Engineering Expo, potentially taking them to the State Science Day in Columbus this May. You can find a list of recognized students here.
The Forest Hills Foundation for Education encouraged parents, guardians and students to submit ideas for their PTO Grant program, which is accepting applications through Friday, February 28, 2025. FHFE also reminded the community that the annual FH5K will be held on Saturday, May 10, 2025. This event is a significant fundraiser that also brings all corners of the Forest Hills community together. Anyone interested in being a race ambassador or sponsorship opportunities can find information and contact details on the organizations website
Superintendent Update
Superintendent Larry Hook reviewed the 5-Star rating FHSD earned on the 2024 Ohio School Report Cards, as determined by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce. The annual evaluation looks at areas of achievement, early literacy, gap closing, graduation and progress.
The superintendent also recognized the Forest Hills Marching Band performance at Disneyland in California. Many members of the band were able to travel to perform in a parade at the amusement park, representing Forest Hills School District on an impressive stage.
Superintendent Hook discussed his student leadership development initiatives, which includes visiting all six elementary schools to meet with student councils and other groups of students. He is also meeting multiple times throughout the school year with student leaders from Nagel Middle School and Anderson and Turpin High Schools. These meetings involve discussions about leadership attributes, promoting a positive school culture and being role models for other students in school. Superintendent Hook identified how these efforts align with the district’s Strategic Plan, specifically strategies one and three. You can view the Strategic Plan on this webpage.
Recent legislative action at the state level was another item discussed during the superintendent update. Mr. Hook discussed recent meetings he has participated in that involved various state legislators and discussions around school funding in the biennial budget. He has also been meeting regularly with colleagues at school districts across the state to discuss budget topics and recent educational legislative matters.
Board Action
The Board of Education often reviews and votes on a variety of actions that impact different departments throughout the school district. The following two items were approved individually by the Board of Education.
- Item 7.2 Membership in the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) 2025-2026
- This item approves FHSD’s continued membership in OHSAA for the upcoming school year. You can read the resolution here.
- Item 9.1 Pupil-Activity Appointment
- This item approves a pupil-activity appointment, which you can view here.
The action items in the following section were presented by department representatives and were voted on together as part of the “consent agenda.” For specific information about any of the following items, you can find the meeting agenda and attachments here.
The following items in the consent agenda were approved by the Board of Education.
Human Resources
- 9.2 Human Resources Report
- The report covers a variety of topics including retirements, resignations and appointments of different staff members. You can view the report here and related attachments here.
Business Operations
- 10.1 Agreement and Release (Pinnacle Paving and Sealing)
- The Settlement Agreement and Release with Pinnacle Paving and Sealing, LLC supersedes the previous construction contract between parties for the Operations Center Asphalt Resurfacing Project. The cost to the district is $47,824.97, and you can view the agreement here.
- 10.2 Resolution Authorizing Advertisement and Solicitation of Bids (Sherwood & Summit Retaining Walls)
- This resolution grants the district permission to advertise and solicit bids for the Sherwood Retaining Wall and Summit Retaining Wall Project. The estimated total cost is $80,000 for multiple projects. You can view the resolution here.
- 10.3 Resolution Expressing Intent to Contract (Roofing Improvements)
- This resolution approves a contract that will serve for roofing improvements at Anderson High School, Turpin High School, Maddux Elementary, Summit Elementary, and Operations Center. The expected cost is $2,558,857. You can view the resolution here.
Teaching and Learning
- 11.1 Overnight Field Trip Requests
- This item approves requests for overnight field trips, which you can read here.
- 11.2 Multilingual Course of Study
- This item approves the updated Multilingual Course of Study which has been available for review in the Teaching and Learning Department since the January 2025 Board of Education meeting.
- You can read the approved Multilingual Course of Study here.
- 11.3 Social Studies Course of Study (separate action item)
- This item approves the updated Social Studies Course of Study which has been available for review in the Teaching and Learning Department since the January 2025 Board of Education meeting.
- You can read the approved Social Studies Course of Study here.
- This item was taken out of the consent agenda so it could be discussed and voted on separately. Members Bibb, Simmons and Strickler voted yes and Members Jonas and Stewart voted no on this item. The Course of Study was approved. You can view the full discussion of this item beginning at 1:21:37 in the YouTube stream.
Treasurer Update
- 11.1 Treasurer's Report
- Treasurer Alana Cropper’s January report provided information on the following items:
- Donations
- Five-Year Forecast
- General Fund Revenue
- General Fund Expenditures
- General Operating Cash Balance
- Permanent Improvement Fund
- Investment Income Snapshot
- Past Month Reconciliation
- Permanent Appropriations
- Amendments to Permanent Appropriations
- You can find the January cash position report here.
- Treasurer Alana Cropper’s January report provided information on the following items:
This completes the consent agenda.
Board Discussion
Board members discussed a variety of topics including updates and celebrations from schools across the district, a review of the special meeting work session held before the start of the regular meeting, the ongoing process related to the evaluation of and contract for the treasurer, views of board members related to diversity, equity and inclusion, and other subjects.
You can click the following link to view the full discussion period, which begins at 1:57:28 during the meeting livestream.
Executive Session and Board Action
The Board of Education entered executive session for the purpose of considering the employment of a public employee or official. When the Board returned from executive session, it voted on and approved a release and separation agreement and consulting contract with Treasurer Alana Cropper. The Board also accepted Treasurer Cropper’s resignation effective July 31, 2025. The consulting contract is for a term of six months beginning August 1, 2025 and ending January 31, 2026. Members Bibb, Jonas and Stewart voted in favor of the contracts, and Members Simmons and Strickler voted against.
You can click the following link to view the full discussion that took place after the executive session and the ensuing vote, which begins at 3:30:50 during the meeting livestream.
Approved Minutes
The Board of Education approved minutes for the following meetings, which you can view by clicking the link associated with each meeting. After clicking the appropriate link, you will need to then click “View Minutes” under Agenda Item Details, next to the category titled “Minutes.”
- Teaching and Learning Committee Meeting - January 8, 2025
- Budget Hearing/Organizational Meeting - January 15, 2025
- Regular Meeting - January 15, 2025