Anderson Township History to Schools Program Connects Students to the Community
Anderson Township History to Schools Program Connects Students to the Community

The popular History to Schools program is back up and running at Anderson Center this spring. Township volunteers welcome 2nd graders from each of Forest Hills School District’s six elementary schools for a series of field trips in March and April.
This fantastic collaboration between Anderson Township, the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office, Anderson Township Fire and Rescue and the Anderson Township Historical Society offers invaluable educational experiences for students. History to Schools provides an opportunity for 2nd graders to connect with government officials, get an interactive look at our community’s history and learn more about public services and other aspects of local government.
Each elementary school visits Anderson Center on a different day and participates in a variety of activities and lessons. Students learn about the role of Township Trustees, services and responsibilities of local government, planning and much more. The Township also sends each student home with a tree seedling to plant as a part of Arbor Day.
Students also get to meet deputies from the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office, who provide law enforcement services in the Township, as well as firefighters with Anderson Township Fire and Rescue. History to Schools also involves important discussions on bike safety and a fun opportunity to practice those lessons in an obstacle course.
Forest Hills School District is grateful for the ongoing collaboration and positive relationship between the school district and Anderson Township. You can read more about the program on the Anderson Township website here. Scroll down to see more photos of the program.