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Anderson HS closed Wednesday, Feb. 26 to Friday, Feb. 28 for electrical malfunction. All other buildings report as normal.

Bus Routes

Due to the amount of route changes that take place in August, please recheck bus information the day before school starts. 

How to Find Your Bus Route

  1. Visit the Versatrans e-link.

  2. Enter username (student ID number) and a password.

New users: the first time the site is accessed, the password is the same as the login/student ID number, but there will be a prompt to immediately change the password. This is an effort to increase security of student information.

For assistance, please call the Transportation Office at (513) 231-3335.


  • For the security of each student, parents and students will only be able to access bus route information using a student ID number. Find your student ID number through Final Forms. 
  • During the first few days of school, buses may be running a little off scheduled time due to new routes.
  • Ohio law requires students to be at the bus stop at least five minutes prior to the approximate pick up time. It is unsafe for a child to be running to the bus stop when the bus is arriving.
  • Many high school juniors and seniors historically do not ride the bus. Therefore, these students are not assigned a bus route unless parents or guardians notify the Transportation Department to include them on a route. 
    • To have a high school junior or senior ride the bus, please call the Transportation Office at (513) 231-3335. 
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