Current Bids and RFPs
The FHSD Board of Education is requesting proposals for a print management services agreement from qualified and reliable contractors. Please see the formal Request for Proposal (RFP) here. You can find an attachment for the RFP here.

The Forest Hills Technology Department works closely with the Teaching and Learning Department to deepen educational experiences by integrating technology into the curriculum. By applying the best research-based practices, students engage in meaningful learning opportunities, which ultimately lead to greater academic growth and achievement.
Technology integration opens doors to innovative learning experiences. Through technology, students connect, collaborate and create with their peers on a local and global level. Students can learn from guest instructors, whether an author or an expert in a particular field of study, and participate in special events, such as Global Read Aloud, which connects students across the globe to read and discuss books.
Students can immerse themselves in creative, high-level thinking as they learn and apply their skills through a variety of mediums with technology, including:
- Interactive presentations
- Online simulations
- Video creation
- Graphic design
- Augmented or virtual reality (AR/VR)
FHSD students are empowered through a self-directed educational experience that allows them to access learning anytime and anywhere, and prepares them for the digital world that awaits them after graduation.
Provide personalized and authentic learning through 21st Century environments and practices by providing enhanced organizational supports and demonstrated stewardship of taxpayer investment.
Every building in the district offers a wireless infrastructure to which students and staff connect. All students (and parents/guardians of students who are minors) are required to agree to a Student Technology Acceptable Use Agreement before accessing the district network or Wi-Fi.
Information from the internet is filtered before it reaches the district or student Wi-Fi. Once the data is received by the district, it goes through a physical appliance that offers additional filtering. In essence, internet content and data is filtered twice before reaching any student device on district Wi-Fi. Although a fool-proof filter does not exist–due to the exponential growth of the internet–the district will continue to upgrade filters and firewalls to offer as many protections as possible to ensure responsible use of the internet and Wi-Fi.
Forest Hills approves all software through a formal process that ensures software is appropriate for students of different ages, is consistent with the FHSD curriculum and meets accessibility standards. If software does not meet accessibility standards, a comparable alternative will be provided.
You can learn more about the district's 1:1 device initiative here.
The district follows the following hardware model:
- Preschool: one iPad for every five students
- Kindergarten: one iPad for every student
- Grades 1-12: one Chromebook for every student
How to Access Daily Assignments and Grades
The district utilizes Schoology for students in grades 2-12 and Seesaw in grades K-1 for students and parents to access instructional materials. Students and parents can find grades in ProgressBook.
Access Schoology and ProgressBook.
Forest Hills also partners with Cincinnati Bell Technology Services to provide parents with cyber education opportunities and trains teachers on how to effectively use technology to engage students in learning.
For assistance, contact Steve Meece, Technology Director, at (513) 231-3600, ext. 2957 or
Technical Support
All Forest Hills schools have technicians to assist students and teachers with technology-related issues. The support process is as follows:
Grades PK-6
- Students will tell a teacher they need assistance.
- A teacher will put in a tech support ticket.
- A technician will come to the classroom to assist the student.
Grades 7-12
Students will go to the Learning Commons where a representative will help them.
Technical support for Progress Book, Schoology and more is available by emailing
Questions? Contact Us!
Steve Meece, Director of Technology
Technology Office: (513) 231-3600, ext. 2942
FHSD Central Office
7946 Beechmont Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45255