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Educational Options

Home Schooling

Parents who reside in Forest Hills School District who wish to Home Educate/Home School their child, should contact Jill Bolden-Kempf at

Parents of students who reside in the Forest Hills School District, and who plan to home educate may submit their written notification to Betsy Ryan (superintendent's designee). These notifications may be mailed to the Forest Hills School District Central Office, located at 7946 Beechmont Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45255. 

The written notification must include certain specific information [parent's name and address, the child's name, and an assurance that the child will receive education in the subject areas required by ORC 3321.042(C)]

The child's exemption from compulsory attendance is effective immediately upon receipt of notice. The district superintendent will provide written acknowledgment of the receipt of the notice to the parent or guardian not later than fourteen calendar days after receiving the notice.

Experience Program

In an effort to meet the needs of a diverse student body, Forest Hills offers the Experience Program to provide necessary support and educational services to all students in grades 9-12 who experience difficulty with a traditional high school setting due to social or academic concerns, attendance issues or medical reasons, among others. The goals of the program are to meet student needs, increase the number of students graduating on time and reduce the district’s suspension/expulsion rate.

Based upon Ohio’s New Learning standards, the Experience Program provides a structured individual and small group setting that combines APEX online learning system with counseling and support services as needed.

The following are brief descriptions of the three pathways within the Experience Program and a general profile of the student each serves.  For more information or to set up a meeting to discuss options, review this brochure or contact a school counselor or Dr. Charles Ogdan, Ed.D, Director of Secondary Teaching and Learning, 513-231-3600 ext 2989 or


  • Student thrives in a non-traditional school setting
  • Re-teaching opportunity due to the small group environment


  • Students achieve success through online learning in a home environment
  • Students attend regularly scheduled, face-to-face meetings with a teacher for instruction and remediation, test and exam completion, work completion and course pacing 


  • Participate in college level course and obtain college credit via College Credit Plus opportunities
  • Opportunity to graduate early
  • Extend beyond the normal curriculum
  • Flexible scheduling
  • Work-study/ co-op style learning 

Alternative Evening School

The Forest Hills Alternative Evening School is a program offered at the secondary level for students who have had significant attendance issues and/or disciplinary infractions. The program is not intended to be a permanent placement for any student but an intervention to assist students. Often, placement in AES setting may be offered to the student and his/her family in lieu of out of school suspension and expulsion.  

GED - General Educational Development

The State of Ohio GED (General Educational Development) Office provides learners who pass the GED test and are at least 18 years old with a Ohio High School Equivalence Diploma, a credential needed in lieu of a high school diploma for postsecondary education and workforce development (students ages 16-17 may also apply for a GED with approved documentation). The State of Ohio GED office will assist learners with the necessary educational guidance and resources to effectively prepare them to take the GED tests. The office will also provide information on the location of approved Test Centers and Practice Centers (including ABLE Preparation Centers), Career Technical Planning Districts in conjunction with the $80 State Voucher, and how to obtain a copy of a official transcript and diploma. Learn more about GED.

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