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General Information

Ayer Mascot

Supply List


Field Trips

Camp Kern - May 8-10, 2024 - Pay here.

  • Online payments for Camp Kern can be made through Local Level by clicking the link above. Please note that this may include an additional credit card or convenience fee. Individuals who wish to avoid additional charges are always welcome to pay by cash or check, and they can send their payment directly to their student's school. Cash or check payments should include a student's name, ID number and details about what the payment is for (e.g. Camp Kern). You can learn more about online payments here.

Enrichment Programs

Several enrichment activities are coordinated by the PTO and change throughout the year.  They range from visual arts, STEM, jump rope and many more.

Ayer Care: Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Safe

Ayer has implemented a PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) model of behavioral interventions and supports to ensure our students can engage in a safe and productive learning environment.  

Below are our school-wide expectations for all Ayer students. 


  • Be Respectful
    • Be willing to compromise
    • Line up promptly
  • Be Responsible
    • Clean up and share equipment
    • Demonstrate good sportsmanship
  • Be Safe
    • Use equipment properly
    • Stay in personal space


  • Be Respectful
    • Use quiet voices
    • Use positive language
    • Be considerate and accepting of others
  • Be Responsible
    • Raise your hand, ask permission
    • Clean up
    • Eat your food
  • Be Safe
    • Stay in one seat
    • Keep hands and feet to self
    • Walk safely


  • Be Respectful
    • Be silent
    • Wave & smile
  • Be Responsible
    • Take the most direct route
    • Walk in a single file line
  • Be Safe
    • Keep hands and feet to self
    • Walk on the right side of the hallway
    • Face forward


  • Be Respectful
    • Be an active learner
    • Use positive language
    • Be considerate of others
  • Be Responsible
    • Be prepared
    • Follow activity directions
    • Clean up
  • Be Safe
    • Use self-control
    • Walk
    • Use materials as directed


  • Be Respectful
    • Use quiet voices
    • Give privacy to others
  • Be Responsible
    • Use restrooms correctly
    • Clean up
    • Use time wisely
  • Be Safe
    • Walk
    • Wash hands

Start of Day

  • Be Respectful
    • Be seated and silent during announcements
  • Be Responsible            
    • Complete classroom morning routines
  • Be Safe
    • Walk
    • Keep hands and feet to self


  • Be Respectful
    • Be silent during announcements
  • Be Responsible
    • Know your daily dismissal plan
  • Be Safe
    • Walk
    • Keep hands and feet to self
    • Keep electronic devices in backpack


  • Be Respectful
    • Use quiet voices
    • Use positive language
    • Listen to the bus driver
  • Be Responsible
    • Take all materials on and off the bus
    • Load and unload in an orderly manner
  • Be Safe
    • Stay in seat
    • Keep hands and feet to self
    • No food or drink
    • Follow bus expectations


  • Be Respectful
    • Silent when presenter is speaking
    • Be focused on speaker
  • Be Responsible
    • Walk in and out in an orderly manner
    • Follow quiet signal
  • Be Safe
    • Stay seated
    • Keep hands and feet to self

Behavior Flow Chart

This flow-chart guides Ayer's school-wide consistent approach to support behavioral needs.

Behavior Reinforcements

Ayer Falcons can earn tickets as reinforcement for following school-wide expectations.  They can redeem these tickets for a menu of options and incentives. 

White Ticket Rewards for Grades K - 3

White Ticket Rewards for Grades 4 - 6

Red Ticket Rewards for Grades K - 6

Student-Parent Handbook

PK-6 Student-Parent Handbook 2024-2025

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