Bell Schedule
Regular school day: 9:15 a.m.-3:45p.m.
Morning kindergarten: 9:15 a.m.-12 p.m.
Afternoon kindergarten: 1 p.m.-3:45 p.m.
Dismissal: Walkers and students being picked-up by a parent are dismissed first. After the majority of these students are safely away from the building, buses are dismissed.
Absence: If students will be absent from schools, parents are asked to email or call the attendance line at (513) 588-6211.
When reporting an absence on through the attendance line or email, state the parent’s name, child's name, the name of child's teacher and the dates and reason(s) for the absence. A note from a parent is required whenever a child is to be excused from school either prior to the absence or upon return to school after an absence. If contact is not made and/or a note is not provided, the absence will be “unexcused.” If absences are not reported by 10 a.m., the school will call all the numbers on the emergency contact list until someone is reached who can confirm the child is safe. Parents who wish to pick up their child(ren) before the regular dismissal time, should report to the main office to meet and sign out their child.