
Direct questions to the appropriate staff sponsor or Emily Stanyard, assistant principal, at emilystanyard@foresthills.edu.
AHS Fishing Club
Staff Sponsor: TBD
Meetings: Meet at AHS and various, approved ponds/bodies of water around the surrounding area.
The AHS Fishing Club helps students develop a passion for the outdoors through the sport of fishing.
AHS Vex Robotics Club
Meetings: After school in room 98. See Mr. Bove for specific dates and times. We meet weekends occasionally for competitions and practice.
The team builds robots according to the VEX competition guidelines to compete in local, regional, and national tournaments throughout the school year. Students also participate in local community outreach and provide education opportunities for younger students.
Anderson High School Democrats
School Sponsor: TBD
Meetings: TBD
As a chapter of the High School Democrats of America (HSDA), AHS Dems is a club that meets to engage in local, state and national politics. We provide a supportive space to discuss Democratic and Independent views/policies, as well as special opportunities to interact or volunteer with regional leaders, political campaigns, and social initiatives. This is a student-led chapter with leadership opportunities to develop the group, make an impact, and connect with HS dems nationwide.
Anderson Vinyl Club
Meetings: Wednesdays after school in room 102
Students listen to vinyl records for about 30 minutes. Most of the time, students will bring in vinyl records to listen to but there is a collection that stays in the room. There is one record player that plays for the whole room and another that students can plug their headphones in to listen on their own.
The Andersonian (School Yearbook)
Meetings: M-F during class in room 127
We put together the school yearbook, The Andersonian, each school year. This club is also a repeatable class for credit, and students gain valuable skills in writing, photography, media design, and business as well as leadership opportunities.
Chamber Orchestra
Meetings: Orchestra Room, Varying dates and times
Membership in this select string orchestra is by audition only. This group functions as the public representatives of the Anderson High School Orchestra program. Giving four to five public performances per year, this group meets weekly after school to rehearse a wide variety of literature.
Craft Club
Meetings: TBD based on interest.
A group of students who get together to craft and share crafting techniques and projects.
Cum Laude Society
The Cum Laude Society recognized academic achievement in secondary schools for the purpose of promoting excellence (Arete), justice (Dike) and honore (Time).
Meetings: Co-Curricular. It's a part of your class in room 143.
DECA is co-curricular to the marketing pathway offered at AHS. Thus, to be part of DECA, a student must be enrolled in one of the following classes to participate:
- Intro to Business or Marketing Principles - Participation Optional
- Marketing I & Marketing II - Participation Mandatory
Disc Golf
Meetings: Contact Mr. Weddle
This club meets once a week in the fall and spring and compete against other schools in tournaments at local disc golf courses. Students learn skills, vocabulary, and have a great time!
Diversity Club
Meetings: 1st and 3rd Wednesday from 7:15am to 7:55am in room 118
The Diversity Club works to promote diversity of all kinds: racial, gender, sexual orientation, cultural, religious, and economic. We plan events and programs that celebrate our differences while finding the common bonds that unite us as Anderson students. We appreciate that AHS is a school that inspires ALL of us to be REAL, to be KIND, and to be BETTER.
Drama Club
Meetings: Meet every second Tuesday room 109 from 2:45 p.m.-3:15 p.m. If there are changes to the schedule, it will be noted on the Anderson Theatre website.
Drama Club is a student-run organization that has several events throughout the year including seeing professional shows, fundraising activities, participation in the Theatre League, and an annual trip.
Educators Rising
Meetings: Meeting times would correspond with individual student schedules in room 151
Educators Rising provides passionate young people with hands-on teaching experience, sustains their interest in the profession and helps them cultivate the skills they need to be successful educators. Students participate in this club concurrent with their enrollment in the AHS Teacher Academy program. Students have the opportunity to attend leadership training, college experience and both state and national conferences.
Euchre Club
Meetings: TBD based on student interest.
Students play Uno or Euchre after school
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Mr. Szabo
Meetings: Tuesday mornings from 7:20 - 7:50 in room 209
This is a gathering of Christian student-athletes who meet for weekly devotions. It is open to all students, not just athletes.
Free Form Debate
Meetings: The club meets in Room 221 on Fridays right after school
The Free Form Debate Club meets to discuss current national or world problems, focusing on issues that are important and relevant to the nation. Participants will have the opportunity to share their perspectives in a small community of open-minded thinkers.
Forest Hills Climbing Club
Meetings: Climbing Club will meet at Climb Time Oakley once a week in the evening during the spring season.
This club offers students the opportunity to practice rock climbing at a local gym with peers and mentors. At the gym, students will train and learn climbing techniques that may then be used in future outdoor climbing adventures.
Future Business Leaders of America
Meetings: 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Fine Arts Room
FBLA helps high school students prepare for careers in business through academic competitions , leadership development, and educational programs. FBLA is also part of Anderson's 2 year Business Management Program.
Gaming Club
Meetings: After school in room 104. See Mr. Bove for specific dates and times.
Students meet after school to play a variety of games with their fellow classmates. All games are welcome to be played as long as they are school appropriate, and typically include Dungeons and Dragons, Mario, and Super Smash Bros. Students should bring their materials to play and leave them in room 104.
Guitar Club
Staff Sponsor: TBD
Meetings: TBD
A club for students to meet and play music, learn songs on the guitar, share songs they have written, and collaborate to make their own music.
Staff Sponsor: TBD
Meetings: TBD
This club is for students who are interested in careers in heath care.
Investment Club
Meetings: Fridays after school in Armstrong's room (222)
Students will gather together to discuss news related to investment, learn investment strategies, and discuss investment philosophies
Jazz Program
Meetings: Weekly schedule TBA
AHS has two jazz bands which are selected through auditions of ability and experience. Jazz One and Anderson After-Hours begin rehearsing at the conclusion of marching band season in early November). A variety of jazz styles are learned including funk, samba, swing, rock and reggae.. Both groups utilize traditional big band instruments such as saxophones, trumpets, trombones and rhythm section (bass guitar, piano and drum set).
Key Club
Meetings: Key Club meets every other Thursday after school in the Learning Commons
Key Club focuses on ways to serve others in the community by taking part in a city-wide philanthropy program, adopting an underprivileged kindergarten class, organizing a canned food drive, and more!
Link Crew
Meeting: Fine Arts Room as scheduled during advisory
Link Crew is a Student Leadership Transition Team that leads Freshmen Orientation and works in ninth-grade homerooms throughout the course of the school year.
Lumberjack Club
Meetings: IHOP or Mr. Bissinger's room at 6:45am
Meet once a month to devour pancakes, wear flannels, and discuss the latest lumberjack news.
Mock Trial
Meetings: Turpin Learning Commons Wednesday 3-4:45 p.m. (TBD on adding second practice at AHS based on turnout)
Ohio High School Mock Trial offers an innovative approach to learning about law and how our legal system functions. Guided by teachers and volunteer legal advisors, students participate in an original, unscripted simulated trial written by attorneys. High school students argue both sides of the case in real courtrooms at the Hamilton county or Clermont county courthouse with lawyers or judges functioning as competition judges. This is a demanding yet satisfying team competition. (District Team)
National Honor Society
Meetings: There are no official meetings, but members are expected to participate in school activities and community service opportunities.
National Honor Society celebrates accomplishments in four areas of student life: scholarship, leadership, character, and service. Students are considered for induction in the spring of their junior year.
Open Mic Club
Meetings: Thursdays right after school in room 221
A space for musicians, poets, stand-up comedians, and story tellers to perfect their craft(s) and hang out in a community of artists and listeners!
Photo Club
Meetings: Once a month in room 140; off campus for photo shoots (usually on a Saturday or Sunday)
A club devoted to students exploring the art of photography. The club is open to all students, and will focus on off-campus excursions to photograph local people, places and things.
Pickleball Club
Meetings: TBD
Group will meet and play pickleball games.
The Raptor Report (School Newspaper)
Meetings: TBD
The Raptor Report is Anderson High School's student newspaper. This is a year-long elective class. The prerequisite is the semester-long intro to journalism class.
Meetings: FAR, Friday mornings from 7:20 a.m.-7:50 a.m. Small mentor groups meet in various locations
SALT (Student Athlete Leadership Team) is a club for student-athletes who are committed to becoming better leaders, making positive decisions and elevating the AHS athletic program to its greatest heights
Sewing Club
Meetings: 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month from 2:45-4:00 in room 154.
Bring your fiber crafts and enjoy expanding (or developing) your skills! Sewing, cross-stitch, crochet, knitting, and more--all are welcome!
Ski Club
Staff Sponsor: Ms. Dean and Ms. Black
Meetings: Perfect North Slopes in Lawrenceburg, Indiana on Thursdays in January
Ski Club will meet at Perfect North Slopes Thursdays beginning in January. Skiers and Snowboarders are welcome. Perfect North offers lessons, so you do not need to be an experienced skier to join. Bus transportation is available!
Sources of Strength (S.O.S.)
Meetings: Fine Arts Room as scheduled during advisory
Sources of Strength is a youth mental health program that aims to prevent suicide, bullying, and substance abuse by using peer social networks to change unhealthy norms and culture. The program focuses on hope, health, and strength, and uses an upstream approach to build resiliency, create a positive school culture, and help students feel connected and empowered.
Student Government
Meetings: Wednesdays before school in room 213
The student government strives to mirror the democratic society in which we live. It gives students an opportunity for leadership, collaboration, and creating solutions. Students will collaborate with teachers, administration, and the community to improve student life. We work alongside the Anderson High School motto to be real, be kind, and be better as a school community.
World Language Honor Societies
Sra. Campos (Spanish), Mr. Zhang (Mandarin) and Dr. Urbaniak (German)
Meetings: Periodically throughout the year
For each of our world languages there is an honor society. Students are eligible to become members after having completed five semesters of the language (2.5 years) and keeping a 3.5 GPA in that language. Mandarin students are eligible during their fifth year in the language. Individual teachers award the certificate to the students who are eligible. There are occasional meetings to do fun things or to participate in a volunteer activity.
Young Republicans
Meetings: Wednesdays from 7:20-7:50 a.m.
Young Republican Club meets to discuss conservative economic and political policies and current events.