General Information

7-12 Student-Parent Handbook
7-12 Student-Parent Handbook 2024-2025
AHS At A Glance/New Parent One-Stop Shop
A helpful tool to point families in the right direction for information about commonly asked questions for students who are new to AHS: At A Glance/New Parent One-Stop Shop 2024-2025
Find the Academic Calendar for 2024-2025 and future years here (located in the Resources section on the website).
Check out the AHS event and activity calendar here (located on the AHS homepage and the Calendar tab on the District homepage).
Weighted Grades & Class Rank
On December 18, 2017, the Board of Education Policy Committee met to review Board policy 5430 “Class Rank”.
In June, a district committee representing parents, counselors, teachers, and administrators began examining Forest Hills’ weighted course system, class rank and graduation recognitions to ensure all systems support student learning, postsecondary goals, and student wellness. Through their extensive research of other school district practices; college, university and military academy acceptance procedures; and student feedback, the group recommending updating the Board policy to empower students to take challenging classes that they find most interesting, as well as better support the future goals and well-being of individual students.
AHS Honor Roll
Cell Phone Restrictions
- New for 2024-2025: Updated High School Cell Phone Rules
- Additional Information About Change to Cell Phone Rules
AHS Cheating/Plagiarism Policy
Incoming 7th and 12th graders are required to have documentation on file in the health office of having received the following vaccines:
- 7th grade: 1 Tdap AND 1 meningitis vaccine
- 12th grade: 2 meningitis vaccines (or 1 if the first one was received after their 16th birthday. Please provide documentation from your physician's office or clinic to the school health office as soon as possible. More information.
Dance Guest Permission Form
This form must be submitted in order for a guest to attend an AHS dance: Dance Guest Permission Form
School Supply List
The RapStore is now open! Our student-operated store benefits Anderson High School students: SHOPRAPTORS.COM
Athletic Gold Pass
Gold passes are available at the District Office. To obtain a gold pass you must be over 60 years of age and live in Forest Hills School District.