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Anderson Theatre Presents She Kills Monsters

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Anderson Theatre Presents She Kills Monsters

Jan 29, 2019

The students of Anderson Theatre have steeped themselves in 90’s rock music, daring stage combat, and medieval fantasy as they prepare for their production of Qui Nguyen’s “She Kills Monsters” on February 8th through 10th. The comedic play explores the world of role-playing games when the lead character, Agnes, learns to play Dungeons & Dragons in an attempt to understand her deceased sister, Tilly.

“Through the game, my character learns not only about her sister, but also about bullying, creativity, and the struggle many people face to be accepted.” says Senior Hailey Mauk, who plays Agnes. “In reality, she is afraid to be different and have fun, but in the fantasy world she can be whoever she wants. And there’s a lot of humor!”

The play, which is best suited to adults and children age 12 and up, is directed by Theatre Teacher Hannah Linser-Wilder who is a D&D player and admitted geek herself. “Everyone is geeky or nerdy in some sense,” she says, “Meaning that they have something they are deeply passionate about, whether that be games or football or cooking. But then Society decides that certain things are socially acceptable to be obsessed with, and others are not.”  The beauty of this play, says Linser-Wilder, is that it reveals “how important passion is. The most important thing is to be passionate, and be proud of your passion. No one should be judged for the things, or people, they love.”

“‘She Kills Monsters’ really is for everybody,” says Junior Caitlin Walsh, who plays Kaliope, an elven adventurer who fights alongside Anges. “For the D&D geeks, there are little nuances in the script and the design that true fans will understand. For everyone else, there are lovable characters and comedic romps intertwined with serious, real-world topics. It’s hard not to fall in love.”

Griffin Maraan plays Chuck, the DM who teaches Agnes the game, and says, “Everyone should come see it, because it is a hugely funny show, so fun to watch. The music is great. My favorite parts are when we do the on-stage battles.”

Walsh agrees. “My favorite has to be the final battle,” she says. “It’s technically challenging, and it engages practically the entire cast. It’s the ultimate hero’s battle truly come to life on stage.”

The play also examines the personal secrets that sometimes even sisters cannot share. “LGBT issues have advanced so far now from the way they were in the 1990’s,” says Linser-Wilder, “But there is still a long way to go. This play helps remind us of both where we were, and what we still struggle with.”

“I hope people will leave with a different perspective of the world and the people around them,” says Mauk, “I hope this show helps them be more accepting toward others.”

Walsh adds, “At the end of the day, “She Kills Monsters” is a compelling play that will make you laugh until you hurt, then inspire tears you didn’t know you had. The audience should just have fun, because, to quote the show, ‘That’s the point in all this.’”

Tickets for “She Kills Monsters” at Anderson High School are $10, and can be purchased at the door or at Visit Anderson Theater's website for more information.

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